Investing With FSA

“Valuation is the primary determinant of long-term returns and the closest thing we have to a law of gravity in finance.” – James Montier, GMO Asset Allocation Team

“Any Manager can tell a good story; due diligence is the process to make sure the story makes sense and the numbers support it.” – Paul Platkin, Arden Asset Management

At FSA Investment Group (FSA), we provide a fully-integrated and customized approach to investment management that is designed to preserve and grow our client’s capital. We believe that providing conflict-free, independent advice is important; therefore, FSA utilizes an open infrastructure platform to build customized client solutions.

A well-designed portfolio requires a thorough understanding of our client’s needs, goals, and objectives (client expectations). Once we understand our client’s expectations, we use a holistic investment process which has a valuation driven approach that minimizes risk and focuses on growth to successfully reach these expectations. Additionally, we utilize diversification as another tool to reduce volatility and stay consistent to our investment approach.

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